
ON-AIR in Joensuu

HOHHOHOOO this day felt so normal at the beginning :D

My day started normal way. I woke up at 6am, went by bus to Lappeenranta, started working with text writing to YLE's website and then it was time to go to Joutseno. My task was to make on-air from Joutseno's market square where was going on a Christmas market day. Well everything went very well before ending.. when I was speaking myself out of the show I said "so this kind of feeling is here at Joensuu's market square". And the most awful thing is that I recognized that after show when it was too late to fix sayings. Joensuu word just came so automatically ! Maybe that's why cause I've been in Joensuu so often at this year. And by the way.. this was first time when I was reporting live-interview by myself :DD

Let's see what happens tomorrow in work. I can already now hear how my job mates are laughing :DD

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