Sorry about weird headline. I'm very bad to make them :D
And sorry that I haven't updated blog. Working in YLE Etelä-Karjala is one whole big dream right now. I have had chances to try so many different kind of reporting tasks. It's very great to learn more and more all the time and at the same time to do real job. Last week I made my first tv-news ! I was making normal radio report and there was at the same time camera which was making that report to TV news. So now I've been reporting in radio, Internet and TV :)) So great ! It's so good that my job mates are giving different kind of advices because there isn't only one right way to do good report.
At here you can see what kind of place is YLE Etelä-Karjala
The Christmas is coming very fast. Yesterday I got all Christmas gifts. I really hate that point of Christmas that you have to buy gifts to others ! Of course giving (and especially having) are nice but its so hard to get good and personal gift idea. Thanks god I bought gifts only to my parents, to brother and to my girlfriend. Otherwise I think that I would be in market still.
Hopefully I have time to tell u better about my work in YLE later but if I can't update before Christmas then I say already now Merry Christmas all of you !
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