So what has happened? Well.. nothing special. (sounds like my life is very boring?) After new year I immediately started search job for next summer. I have sent applications to so many places that it's hard even remember every place : DD I really want to get media job at this summer. Not anymore market work, please !! Now I just have to wait till someone calls me to interview.. hopefully..
picture from here
Last week Annika (my girlfriend) escaped from Finland to Luxembourg. She's au pairing there half of year. angst. I don't have any idea how I could survive till she's back. Annika's has to be only one week away and my life is messed up in Outokumpu. My house is totally in mess, parties 24/7 etc. And what a worst thing.. I'll become 18 when she's in Luxembourg. voevoevoevoe.....I'm still working in YLE Etelä-Karjala. Work is very nice. What else I can say :D It's very great that I have freedom to make reports on my own so I could not be bored. I still have to practice writing. I'm writing often too difficult ways texts. Practicing practicing..
Almost forgot ! yesterday I drove a car at the first time ! WHOHOOO I really want to get driving licence !
Go Teemu Go